Monday, May 22, 2023

Rhythm Guitarist Wanted n' Updates

Howdy fellow Rocka Rollas.

We are looking for a Rhythm Guitarist to join up n' round out a fuller sound. If this could be you, send us and e-mail with yer number & we'll chat. 

Summer 2023 plans are to record what we've been writing. We are sitting on some hott stuff, n' can't wait to share it with ya. We are looking forward to giggin' in late-2023. 

Demo 2022 cassettes can be purchased in San Francisco, California at 3 locations, for $6.00 or $7.00 depending.

Fallout SF // Destroy Art Inc. Gallery: 50-A Bannam Place

Noise Records: 3427 Balboa Street

Thrillhouse Records: 3422 Mission Street

Also: $7.00 through us in person in the City. Bandcamp for USA orders. International orders, please e-mail, & we'll work it out. Cheers! -Richie Richards

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